Quality Employment for People with a Disability
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Codie Life-Changing Experience

Codie gave a personal experience speech at the BIZLINK 2023 AGM. Codie talked about the support from BIZLINK and the team at the City of Rockingham and how quality employment has been life changing.

Kellan Total Tools

Kellan gave a personal experience speech at the BIZLINK 2023 AGM. Spoke about working at Total Tools and how the support of BIZLINK and his employer has helped him to succeed.

Daniel Employment Journey Fiona Stanley Hospital

Daniel gave a personal experience speech at the BIZLINK 2022 AGM. Daniel talked about the support from BIZLINK and the team at Fiona Stanley Hospital / Serco and how a quality employer and full time employment has been life changing.

Eddie, from Social Phobia to Toast Master

Eddie spoke about his employment journey at the South Metropolitan Health Service and BIZLINK partnership presentation on 24/02/2023.


"I wish to provide feedback for my (Support Coordinator) Karen. I have been a client of BIZLINK for less than 12 months and in this time, I have received the most excellent support and guidance from her. I have faced some challenges during my employment and although I am now on a successful path in my career, I would never had made it this far without Karen giving me sincere, non-judgmental and professional support with the challenges I have had with my health, personal and general wellbeing I have always had Karen to reach out to and she has gone above and beyond to be an integral part of my success. She is amazing." Coralee

"I just wanted to provide an unsolicited testimonial in regards to my dealings with Pauline Donnelly of BIZLINK. Pauline Donnelly has been my Job Search Coordinator for the last couple of years and I have to unequivocally say she is the most motivated and productive person I have dealt with in the Disability Services Job creation arena. Pauline extends her professionalism and compassion as a human being into genuinely helping people re-enter the workforce and restart their productive lives again. The words tenacious and indominable come to mind when describing Pauline’s approach to job creation. She is a huge credit to BIZLINK and someone amazing to have on your side." John

"I had been unemployed for more than 6 years and was beginning to lose hope of ever finding suitable, long term employment. Since joining BIZLINK, my life has turned around. Charlie, Steve and Tina from the Cockburn office have been amazing, they have supported me more in the last 6 months than any other employment provider ever has. Steve helped me secure employment at the City of Cockburn in their parks and gardens crew, I am happy to have got work with City of Cockburn. I am grateful to have been matched up with a good crew. I also know I can have other opportunities of maybe increased work or further training in the future, I am looking forward to working towards this. I know BIZLINK and the City of Cockburn will always be there to support me every step of the way. Thank you BIZLINK and the City of Cockburn." James

"Thanks to BIZLINK, I am now working full-time at South Metropolitan TAFE as a Finance Officer. I have been working there since 2015 and I have thoroughly enjoyed the experiences both BIZLINK and SMTAFE have offered me. When I first started working for SMTAFE I was working part-time in the administration offices as a member of the e-Learning team. Through regular contact with my BIZLINK Support Coordinator, I have established a great working relationship with my colleagues and managers. Thanks to BIZLINK's support, I was able to successfully negotiate a full-time position in a new and exciting role." Matthew

"My name is Christian I am a 16 year old student at Greenwood College. I find it almost impossible to read and write no matter how hard I try. I was very worried about getting a job. Linda from my school told me about BIZLINK, they came to my school and my house to see me and were really nice and helpful. I now have a School Based Traineeship and am very happy I really like the work and my boss. Without BIZLINK I would not have a traineeship and would have to be at school where I struggle to do the work every day. I am really pleased and thankful that BIZLINK have helped me so much." Christian

"I remember my first day, my first appointment with you, how scared and dejected I was...You were very welcoming, non-judgemental and put me at ease straight away. You looked at me as though I was a human being and you listened...The flexibility I had with our appointments helped in a huge way... You gave me tools to help me deal with events and life in general, you showed me how powerful the mind is and that I'm in charge...I now love my life again, and look forward to every day and every precious experience that comes my way." Naomi


Logo image of City of Cockburn"It's not enough for an organisation to say it values inclusion; inclusion needs to be seen and felt by the people it employs and communities it serves. With surveys showing that one in five people are born with or will develop disability; we have a responsibility to provide meaningful opportunities for those with a disability. At Cockburn our partnership with BIZLINK provides a range of employment opportunities that ensures our workforce is reflective of these values. Numerous studies of ‘Employers of Choice’ have shown employees and customers are more loyal to organisations that demonstrate they value diversity and inclusion. I encourage all leaders to consider whether their organisation and their workforce could increase employment opportunities for people with disability; truly reflecting the spread of abilities in the community they serve." Stephen Cain, Chief Executive Officer

Logo image of University of Western Australia"As one of the nation's premier tertiary institutions, The University of Western Australia is pleased to partner with BIZLINK, a wholly Western Australian-owned and operated Disability Employment Service provider. Since partnering with BIZLINK in 2011, UWA has had the pleasure of employing 21 BIZLINK clients across various UWA sites. Earlier in 2018, BIZLINK placed another five clients within the University IT Department, bringing the number of UWA employees currently supported by BIZLINK to 17.

Whether it’s supporting website updates within the Human Resources Department, cleaning non-recyclable plant pots for continued use in the plant growth facilities area or re-stocking paper and toner in student printers across the various precincts, UWA employees supported by BIZLINK are a regular presence on campus. UWA is appreciative of BIZLINK’s outstanding work to ensure clients are suitably matched based on our requirements and that the support is available 24/7 for as long as is required, not only to new employees but also other staff.

The University of Western Australia encourages all employers considering becoming more diverse and inclusive to speak with one of the friendly staff at BIZLINK. You will not be disappointed." Jamie Graham, Manager, IT Service Delivery (ABLE SDC)

Logo image of South Metropolitan TAFE"South Metropolitan TAFE have successfully worked in partnership with BIZLINK since 2015 to source suitable employees to further the SMTAFE inclusive employment strategy. SMTAFE and BIZLINK have established a strong relationship based on an understanding of both organisation’s desired outcomes for employees with a disability.

Working with BIZLINK to source suitable candidates provides confidence that applicants referred to the College have already been screened, understand what working at SM TAFE involves and importantly that support will be provided to successful appointees on an ongoing basis. Currently SMTAFE has six employees working in TAFE Job Skills Centres, Corporate Support and Teaching Administration roles across multiple campuses.

SMTAFE Managing Director, Terry Durant, fully supports the partnership with BIZLINK and stated that ‘the program assists SMTAFE in building our inclusive and diverse culture, reflecting the community we serve, through our workforce’." Mark Taylor, Director HR

Logo image of City of Cockburn"The City of Cockburn has recently partnered with BIZLINK and we’re looking forward to working with them to create a sustainable working environment. BIZLINK has provided us with great customer service and an easy transition. We currently have 17 supported employees within our Parks and Environment, Civic Support and Library Teams and we are excited to develop our on-going commitment to providing employment and support to people with disabilities." Sharon Still, HR Business Partner

Logo image of Rockingham Holiday Village"Rockingham Holiday Village have been partnering with BIZLINK since 2016 during which time we have employed 14 BIZLINK clients. BIZLINK aims to achieve a good job-match from the start. They then provide on-site support and training that complements our own induction and training. If there are any problems or concerns BIZLINK are quick to respond with whatever supports are needed. I have no hesitation in recommending BIZLINK as a preferred disability employment service provider." Michael Ahern, Owner, Rockingham Holiday Village

Logo image of Mandurah Taxis"We have really appreciated the assistance from BIZLINK in gaining such a valued employee." Julie Murray, Business Manager, Mandurah Taxis

Logo image of Wellard Early Learning Center"I take on trainees. I believe you should look for the ability and lose the disability." Pastor Kelleher, Director, Wellard Early Learning Center

Logo image of Serco at Fiona Stanley Hospital"We partnered with BIZLINK in April 2014 and since then, they have placed 19 employees with us. We have worked in partnership, supporting our employees to ensure that they have meaningful employment and support the hospital in providing excellent patient care." Breffni Doyle, Fiona Stanley Hospital's Soft Facilities Management Manager

Logo image of Novaproducts"My company Novaproducts have worked with BIZLINK since 2016 and Job Search Coordinator, Pauline Donnelly, for the last 15 years and supported many people with disabilities. Through this time, we have employed 8 staff members through our workplace and many have become long term employees. BIZLINK provide a great service and great support to their clients and employers, if there are any hiccups, I pick up the phone and call or email and support will be there. I have no hesitation in recommending BIZLINK and will continue to work with BIZLINK to secure staff in the future." Alistair Calow, Company Director, Novaproducts


Logo image of Warnbro Community High School"I have always found BIZLINK to be proactive, committed to diversity and inclusive employment. I especially like the way BIZLINK staff recognise our Workplace Learning Program and all the experience our students have undertaken whilst in Senior School. The team at Rockingham are thorough and have a great ‘can do’ attitude, whilst being realistic…The relationship our school has with BIZLINK is a credit to the staff for their commitment in finding long term meaningful employment for our students…I have no hesitation in recommending BIZLINK to all our families at school and beyond." Jacqui Jones, Workplace Transition Coordinator, Warnbro Community High School Education Support Centre

Logo image of Greenwood College"BIZLINK are a very professional and committed organisation and without their help with our more challenged students we would struggle. They provide a quality service to our students with disabilities and barriers to succeed in the workplace. I have worked with them since 2006...Over this time they have had many success stories with our students and we are indebted to them as they have given many of these students a terrific start to their working lives. BIZLINK have developed Work Ready (TASTE) programs for our students particularly with our Intensive English Centre students...The staff at BIZLINK are friendly and dedicated and a pleasure to work with. I cannot speak too highly of them" Greg Bowdell, Manager of VET

"BIZLINK has provided an excellent service to our school since 2006. The service provided is second to none. The BIZLINK staff are enthusiastic, supportive and caring and always have a positive attitude. BIZLINK have provided many opportunities for our students including School Based Traineeships, paid work and work readiness courses.

The staff at BIZLINK are wonderful they provide a professional quality service to our students with disabilities and challenges. The parents of our students who have dealings with the staff from BIZLINK are always impressed with their commitment to supporting their child and the opportunities they provide.

We at Greenwood consider ourselves most fortunate to have BIZLINK supporting our students and their families and providing a service that is desperately needed but is impossible for us to provide. I would not hesitate to recommend BIZLINK to students, parents and other schools." Linda Tulip, Special Needs Education Assistant

Logo image of Belridge"The students have thoroughly enjoyed the TASTE program and have learned some excellent skills in the process. They are highly enthusiastic about applying for jobs and are feeling more confident. Students enjoyed being in a mixed student group and going off site to various excursions and meeting new people. Being collected each week and being off campus is a good way for the students to develop responsibility and independence.

The great organising and follow up you offer has been of benefit to our students and your course is an excellent part of our school program now as well. We feel very confident to send the students to your program knowing they are in good hands and will be able to use the skills in a practical and professional manner. Thank you for including our school in your program and we look forward to being a part of future endeavours." Jenny Winston, VET Coordinator


Logo image of City of Joondalup"In 2011 the City of Joondalup was proud to partner with BIZLINK in the delivery of a new Transition Assistance School to Employment (TASTE) program, providing start-up financial support for the then pilot project through the City’s Community Funding Program.

The TASTE program is a fantastic initiative which addresses a real gap in the provision of support services available to local young people who experience higher than average barriers to employment as a result of disability or culturally linguistically diverse (CALD) background.

The TASTE program has successfully:

  • Increased access, social inclusion and integration of a culturally diverse group of students
  • Increased potential for students with significant barriers to transition from school to employment
  • Increased awareness of employment options for people with disabilities
  • Increased students understanding of employer needs and the importance of adopting an appropriate attitude in the workplace
  • Up skilled students in areas such as interview techniques and employer research
  • Provided one on one coaching and mentoring
  • Enabled community participation for marginalised clients; and
  • Increased student awareness of realistic goal setting and workplace expectations

Working with BIZLINK has been a pleasure, and I look forward to continuing our partnership into the future." Elizabeth white, Community Development Officer