Quality Employment for People with a Disability
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News & Info

BIZLINK Webinars and Info-series of Videos

BIZLINK provides free disability employment webinars covering a range of topics including school to work transition, explaining the different government-funded employment supports available, building your employability skills and others. The target audience is clients, their support networks, schools, community services, DES and NDIS providers. Email BIZLINK to register your interest at ndis at bizlink dot asn dot au, or keep an eye out for future webinars promoted on our Facebook/Instagram pages.

The Eligible School Leaver Pathway, Veena Singh

BIZLINK School Leaver Transition Supports DES & NDIS, Veena Singh

Promotional Video, a student made this video for us around 2005. It has some great images of people working, testimonials from our employers and staff. https://youtu.be/xVaOA50raPg


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